Diagnostics and Imaging in Yalesville, CT

Yalesville Veterinary Hospital is a full-service hospital equipped with technology to help our team accurately and efficiently diagnose your pet. When your pet is sick, it can be stressful not knowing what is wrong. Our team uses comprehensive diagnostics, including laboratory testing, digital imaging, and endoscopy, to aid our veterinarians in putting the puzzle pieces together to create a more complete picture of your pet’s health.

Bunny On Xray Table

If your pet is due for routine blood work or has a potential health problem that needs diagnosing, contact us today at (203) 265-1646 or book an appointment online!

How We Use Our In-House Lab

Lab testing can help reveal hidden illnesses, infections, parasites, and other health problems that may otherwise be overlooked. We offer a variety of in-house testing, including:

  • Blood work including heartworm and tick panels
  • Blood chemistry profiles
  • Feline leukemia
  • Immunodeficiency virus tests
  • Ear cytology
  • Skin diagnostics
  • Fine needle aspirates

We also utilize an external veterinary diagnostic lab to perform any testing that we cannot carry out at our hospital.

Yalesville Lab Photo

Radiology and Imaging

Yalesville Veterinary Hospital also utilizes state-of-the-art radiology equipment and endoscopy to perform more in-depth examinations and provide treatment better tailored to your pet’s unique needs.